The history of Kochi is deeply connected to the colonial period of India. The influence of Dutch, British and Portuguese can be seen in every nook and cranny of the city. The influence of architecture is more evident than any other. These heritage buildings, such as Mattancherry Palace, Hill Palace Museum, Paradesi Synagogue, Santa Cruz Basilica, etc., attract tourists from around the world. 

Adding glasses to the architecture was fashionable even in that period. The color shades and carvings all contribute to its aesthetic beauty. Preserving them without losing their connection to our past is equal to preserving our history and culture. But how do we clean and protect these fragile, historic glasses?

Unique Challenges in Cleaning Historical Glass

Cleaning and preserving historical glasses is not an easy task to perform. We are not only cleaning these glasses, but also saving the history behind them. The common challenges faced when cleaning historical glasses are:

Fragility and Age of Glass

The technology we use to produce glasses was not invented in the historical period. So these lack the firmness and strength of the glasses. They are fragile, and the wear of time will be imprinted on them like any other living or non-living being. Historical glass panes will get scratched and brittle easily. The fragility is an issue we need to tackle when we clean them.

Environmental Factors

The climate of Kochi is a villain when it comes to the case of historical glass panes. The salinity of the coastal climate will leave salt deposits on it, reducing its natural look. The pollution and strong winds make them susceptible to erosion of these delicate surfaces.

Historical Accuracy

Historical glasses are the remains of a bygone era. We get to understand the history and practices the people followed at that time from them. Taking good care when cleaning and maintaining them is essential to preserving their unique story. A second of carelessness can affect their historical value and integrity.

Specialized Techniques for Preservation

Heritage buildings in Kochi have beautiful stories to tell us. They were built incorporating architectural features of the time they were built. Protecting them is very important to preserve the history behind them. Many of these buildings have glass in them. Cleaning them takes extra measures since they are not as strong as the glasses of the modern era. 

Gentle Cleaning Solutions

We need to be gentle with historical glasses because they are vulnerable to damage. We cannot use any cleaning solutions or any glass cleaning solutions that are intended to clean today’s glasses.

gentle cleaning solution for glass cleaning services in kochi
manual glass cleaning services in kochi

Manual Cleaning Methods

We follow various cleaning methods to clean glasses. Even with modern cleaning methods, manual cleaning is still commonly preferred. If you’re manually cleaning the glasses on the heritage buildings of Kochi, make sure to keep the following things in mind:

Modern Preservation Technologies

Various types of glass preservation technologies have been introduced to protect historical glass in the heritage buildings of Kochi. Modern equipment and methods are very beneficial for preserving their beauty.

Modern Preservation Technologies​ in glass cleaning services

Expert Advice on Maintaining Historical Glass

Following the methods given below will make sure to protect the historical glasses and increase their lifespan.

Regular Maintenance and Preventive Measures

Taking preventive measures with regular maintenance can be beneficial for preserving historical glasses.

Professional Help

Regular cleaning won’t always be enough to preserve the glass in heritage buildings. So we need professional glass cleaning services in Kochi to safeguard historical glasses.

Cleaning modern glasses and historical glasses is very different because we don’t want to change anything about them because of their historical significance. It is better to ask for the help of glass cleaning services in Kochi to protect the historical glass of heritage buildings in the city.

Smart Zero is the best professional cleaning service in Kochi, offering comprehensive cleaning services for your home, office, and commercial spaces. We offer deep cleaning, regular cleaning, and surface cleaning services in various parts of Kochi. If you need help with cleaning glasses on heritage buildings, we are the best option you have. Get connected with us to preserve the history behind each piece of glass with our professional touch.